Tuesday 12 February 2008

Back to normal ...

I've been really busy since I last blogged, but am glad that things are slowly getting back to normal now! I've handed in my dissertation and am very glad to finally see the back of it! I'm sure all the other third years can't wait until theirs are handed in either!

I turned 21 since my last post and had a brilliant birthday, complete with a Grease themed party!

I spent last week campaigning in the Referendum and what a brilliant result we got! It was a long week, but there were lots of fun moments along the way!
The FocSoc bye elections were also held last week and the results were announced last night. Congratulations to Charlotte, Joanne and Lennard, I know that you're all going to have a great time on the committee and together with Jon, Michaela, David and James are going to make FocSoc go from strength to strength this year!

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