Friday 14 December 2007

RA Elections Results Night

This was a fantastic night and it was great to see so many enthusiastic students elected who I'm sure are going to achieve loads during the coming year!

Here's my speech from the night:

"Some of you might not know what FocSoc does or even what it is. The Freshers Off Campus Society caters for everyone who doesn't live in halls during their first year at uni, providing supp rt, events and sports teams for all these people - similar to what an RA does for everyone living in their hall.

FocSoc ensure that home students and others living off campus get the best possible start to university life - providing events throughout Welcome Week and the duration of Freshers and bringing everyone back together throughout the year. FocSoc is every increasing in size - this year saw over 300 Freshers sign up, around 20% more than last year. As the number of home students increases, so does FocSoc's work and this work wouldn't be possible without the support of both the Guild and the University. Hopefully, these partnerships will continue to develop this year.

So much hard work goes into preparing Welcome Week for FocSoc's Freshers - from stuffing envelopes in August, to dealing with replies and queries and finally reaching Welcome Week itself and all the new challenges it brings. Although it can be hard going at times, as all the committee will know, it's a fantastic achievement to be able to really make a difference when people arrive at university and I know that without FocSoc. I wouldn't be standing here today. The enthusiasm of the committee and everyone who helps out throughout the year make sure that FocSoc can deliver for everyone who signs up during their time at uni.

But FocSoc isn't just making a difference at Birmingham. In March, FocSoc won the best national and regional achievement award at the Guild Awards for everything they've achieved - we were on BBC Midlands Today talking about the issues affecting home students, an early day motion was submitted to Parliament and work has continued with other students unions across the country in helping them to provide for their home students as well.

To the outgoing committee - Mike, Jon, Amy, Lisa, Lee, Lucy and James, you've worked so hard to achieve so much this year and really taken FocSoc from strength to strength. Congratulations to the new committee elected tonight - I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute of it and continue the success FocSoc has already achieved this year!"